Pricing Information
Weddings and Engagements
- $999
- 4 hours of Wedding Day Coverage
- 1 Photographer
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $1750
- 6 hours of Wedding Day Coverage
- 1 Photographer with assistant
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- DVD with high resolution pictures
- Costume wedding guest album
- 8x8 Costume wedding album
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- Select
- $2945
- 8 hours of Wedding Day Coverage
- 1 Photographer with 2 assistants
- Photo CD with all Wedding/Engagement images
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- 16x20 Canvas of favourite photo
- 12x12Photo Album (10 pages - 20 sides)
- Costume wedding guest album
- 8x8 Parent album
- DVD with high resolution pictures
- Select
- $1000
- 4 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $2100
- 6 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer with 3 assistants
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- Multiple cams w/enchanced audio
- Dron add-on
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $3100
- Full event Coverage (up to 10 hours)
- 1 Photographer with a team
- Photo CD with all event images
- Multiple cams w/enchanced audio
- Basic Live video broadcastinng
- Drone add-on
- Enchanced Live stream coverage
- DVD with high resolution pictures
- Full length HD film (download,USB,DVD)
- Select
Trade Show
- $1000
- 4 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer
- Done at you own choice of location
- Minimum 50 photographs
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $1900
- 6 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer with 3 assistants
- Done at you own choice of location
- Multiple cams w/enchanced audio
- Dron add-on
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $2500
- Full event Coverage (up to 10 hours)
- 1 Photographer with a team
- Photo CD with all event images
- Custom Blue-ray DVD +case/cover
- Done at you own choice of location
- Drone add-on
- Enchanced Live stream coverage
- DVD with high resolution pictures
- Full length HD film (download,USB,DVD)
- Select
Cooperative Events
- $1000
- 4 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $2100
- 6 hours Continuous Coverage
- 1 Photographer with 3 assistants
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- Multiple cams w/enchanced audio
- Dron add-on
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $3100
- Full event Coverage (up to 10 hours)
- 1 Photographer with a team
- Multiple cams w/enchanced audio
- Basic Live video broadcastinng
- Drone add-on
- Professional Editing
- Full length HD film (download,USB,DVD)
- DVD with high resolution pictures
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- Select
- $50.00
- Full event coverage
- 1 photographer
- High resolution pictures
- Minimum 25 photographs on a DVD
- Fine art album
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- Select
- $100.00
- Full event coverage
- 1 photographer
- High resolution pictures
- Minimum 50 photographs on a DVD
- Fine art album
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
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- Select
- $200.00
- Full event coverage
- 1 photographer with an asisstant
- High resolution pictures
- Minimum 100 photographs on a DVD
- Fine art album
- Online Gallery to view and order prints
- Canvs
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- Select